Saturday, March 27, 2010

Fieser swindlers lures teacher in House of Horror

Wellington - New Zealand Miese mesh of a swindler: A 36-year-old teacher from Leipzig, fell for his fraudulent number and spent a week in hell.
The two had met on the Internet, and it immediately sparked. The swindlers pretended to be a 33-year-old doctoral student from Leipzig, and seduced by the passionate poems.
 In the hope of finally meeting her prince charming face to face, she traveled to the other end of the world - from New Zealand.
But then the shock: My Prince Charming turned out to be 56-year-old Ekelpartie. The man took her passport and money and prevented them six days to get away from him, reported the 36-year-old newspaper, "Otago Daily Times.
Disgusting: The house was full of rubbish. Cats and chickens everywhere, this horrible stench. Only last Saturday, the police, they could free from the horror house.
However: Against the nasty imposter could not immediately be attacked. "During their movement was restricted to a certain degree, there are situations in which they would have had the opportunity to go," said a police spokesman.
To physical violence or sexual assault, it was clearly not come.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Is no school?

Dusseldorf - Dusseldorf on Tuesday for proposing Pänz and teachers, the moment of truth. Are the schools because the swine flu really closed longer?
For weeks, talk to the government in terms of swine flu hot heads. According to Health Minister Karl Josef Laumann (CDU), the government plans to seek the opinion of an independent commission of experts.
"The eight-member Commission of virologists and experts from the public health sector will also include in their decision, of course, the experience of other provinces," said Laumann.
To 13 clock could be announced the decision. NRW for approximately 2.8 million students and 192,000 teachers says erstmal so wait and see. "I do not imagine me what it means for us when the summer actually go into overtime," said Elizabeth St. John Bauer, director of the Community School Lennéstraße.
"Finally, it would then send a lot of organizational work to the school principals. The induction training of first graders would be moved to the rear. One would have to consider whether the provision also applies to schools with full day care. From the stress of working parents on the whole would presumably be silent, "said John Bauer.
Gabriela Podolski, mother of a nine year old daughter, has similar concerns: "Of course, students should be exposed to any unnecessary risk of infection. Nevertheless, the children should not miss classes unnecessarily substance they have to catch up again later with difficulty. "
Regardless of how the experts decide today, the Minister of Health calls on schools to ensure sufficient hygiene items to the school toilets to make: "Since the disease is highly contagious, students should wash their hands as often as possible."
Appropriate precautions and information material will also be passed today, Düsseldorf schools. City spokesman Volker Paulert compared EXPRESS: "Our experts at the Health Department will be adequately inform educators of all major actions."

Monday, March 15, 2010

Star architect Libeskind is to build Kö-Bogen

Dusseldorf - Now it is official! Daniel Libeskind will deliver an architectural business card in the heart of the city. The New York star architect to build the Kö-Bogen.
The 62-year-old American had in the summer of 2008 already looked in person at the Jan Wellem place was immediately taken with the idea to cultivate, the space at the northern end of Royal Avenue: "This is the place for world architecture is!"
On Mon-Tue therefore, as the offer period had expired under the award, announced Mayor Dirk Elbers, "I am pleased that will be realized with Daniel Libeskind, an architect with world rankings in this project. The Kö-Bogen is now a further highlight in the heart of Dusseldorf. With his work he is a great success achieved. I am convinced that its architecture will go a lot of positive momentum for the city. "
One of the main works of native Poland with an American passport include the Jewish Museum in Berlin, the Felix Nussbaum Haus in Osnabrück, the Imperial War Museum in Manchester, the Denver Art Museum and the plans for the Freedom Tower at the World Trade Center Center in New York.
Of the remaining two candidates finally had the project development company in Düsseldorf "The developer brought" the offer, which will now be realized. The city council is in a meeting on 5 February, a corresponding proposal for resolution to be submitted.
Back in March, the city with the clearing of the construction site will launch more channels and move to begin soon with the implementation of the plans.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Star-hype in Cologne

Cologne - The one has ever been nominated five times for an Oscar and a Golden Globe. The other reached with porn movies and "I'll show that I'm wearing no pants' performances Star status.
Kate Winslet (32, known to keep from "Titanic") versus Skandalmillionärin Paris Hilton (26) - Cologne this weekend, both on their toes.
Although Paris Bets on Saturday night in Thomas Gottschalk's "... is that?" Loaded "in Erfurt, she still trots quickly a few costly hours through Cologne (before it rises in the private jet to the east). Her latest boyfriend Benji Madden (29, vegetarian) in the evening rocking with his band "Good Charlotte" tried at the Palladium, Paris, hang the whole trip on him.
On Saturday she is after a stopover in Istanbul (with mass inertia of the airport village) in D'. There Benji picked them up. He was specially flown from Munich to Dusseldorf, in the VIP area to meet his girlfriend. Then on the next plane to Saarbruecken - Boy you played here on Saturday.
 Much less Heckmeck wants Kate Winslet, however. The Hollywood star (current rotation in Cologne "The Reader") has zero special requirements which will fly on Sunday by line - a generous senior suite at the InterContinental offers her already ...

Monday, March 1, 2010

"We make our lives difficult,"

Faryd Mondragon was what was keeping. But twice he was powerless. Cologne's cult-Keeper turned to bust, the cup in Augsburg for the interview.
He attacked referee Thorsten Kinhöfer: "He was arrogant." And warned: "These early goals may not happen again. We make life difficult for ourselves. "
The interview with the FC's.
The full interview with Mondragon
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Faryd Mondragon, your big dream of Berlin has burst ...
    Yes, it hurts. We really wanted the finals, maybe even more than the trophy in international business. Since it is quite bitter, rauszufliegen against a second division.
What was it?
    First time to us. We have now repeatedly conceded caught early, because we're just distracted. We make life incredibly difficult. And then there was the referee.
What do you say about the sending off?
    Adil Chihis red card was a disgrace. That was more than yellow. And Podolski is provoked by the referee. Everyone makes mistakes, but Kinhöfer was arrogant.
Was spielentscheidend?
    With ten men it was naturally difficult. But when Poldi, we thought: We're turning it to ten men. When the then still had to down, it was over.
What needs to happen now?
    As hard as it is us: We have to check this game as soon as possible and concentrate on Sunday. Schalke is a top team with perhaps the best coaches in the league. This is a very difficult task today must be back in the foreground.
And the Berlin-dream is over for good?
    No, I have not given up yet. Next season I've still got a chance. Since we have to give everything, maybe it works then yes.