Monday, March 1, 2010

"We make our lives difficult,"

Faryd Mondragon was what was keeping. But twice he was powerless. Cologne's cult-Keeper turned to bust, the cup in Augsburg for the interview.
He attacked referee Thorsten Kinhöfer: "He was arrogant." And warned: "These early goals may not happen again. We make life difficult for ourselves. "
The interview with the FC's.
The full interview with Mondragon
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Faryd Mondragon, your big dream of Berlin has burst ...
    Yes, it hurts. We really wanted the finals, maybe even more than the trophy in international business. Since it is quite bitter, rauszufliegen against a second division.
What was it?
    First time to us. We have now repeatedly conceded caught early, because we're just distracted. We make life incredibly difficult. And then there was the referee.
What do you say about the sending off?
    Adil Chihis red card was a disgrace. That was more than yellow. And Podolski is provoked by the referee. Everyone makes mistakes, but Kinhöfer was arrogant.
Was spielentscheidend?
    With ten men it was naturally difficult. But when Poldi, we thought: We're turning it to ten men. When the then still had to down, it was over.
What needs to happen now?
    As hard as it is us: We have to check this game as soon as possible and concentrate on Sunday. Schalke is a top team with perhaps the best coaches in the league. This is a very difficult task today must be back in the foreground.
And the Berlin-dream is over for good?
    No, I have not given up yet. Next season I've still got a chance. Since we have to give everything, maybe it works then yes.