Monday, February 22, 2010

The North will umgebuddelt

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Dusseldorf - The "U-Dax" get more work: While the vast construction site Wehrhahn line still makes for years of endless traffic jams, decided the local politicians on Wednesday had the next line - around the fairground and the airport.
Actually, even be led by two lines: The U 80 is through a tunnel under the North Park to the south entrance of the fair and then along the Rhine at this station, "Arena / Messe Nord continued. And the U 81 bends towards the airport, this will open up the Airport City and the Railway Station.
It had jointly applied for the CDU and the FDP - and then they decided yesterday. There were dissenting from the opposition, on the other building blocks of the northern light rail lines will not surrender: The extensions of the U 81 on the Rhine to the Handweiser and up to Ratingen.
On the "Fair Bypass" U 80 however, the SPD and the Greens would rather do without: "For that to provide 40 million euros, which is gross negligence," complained SPD Alderman Martin Volkenrath. "Common sense says, however: If U want to come here 81, then it must also traverse the Rhine, with connections to the fair entrance and continue south after Ratingen."
In principle, rejects Andreas Hartnigk (CDU), the compounds towards Handweiser and Ratingen does not, however: "It is enough that these plans are in local transport plan, queue so long - now we must do what is achievable now."
What is "soon" means that the CDU and FDP have been stipulated: "The administration should take all steps necessary to enable the realization of the U 80 from 2010." As a reminder, the Wehrhahn line will be built by 2014 - would thus parallel Next major construction sites in the city put up ...