Friday, May 14, 2010

3.6 million unemployed

Düsseldorf - No good news from the labor market: In North Rhine-Westphalia the number derArbeitslosen 15.000gestiegen in April compared with March to close.
A total of 821 500 unemployed were registered, said dieRegionaldirektion NRW with the Federal Employment Agency.
Comparedto In April last year, there were 40 000 unemployed longer. DieArbeitslosenquote is 9.2 percent. Thus the Arbeitslosigkeiterstmals has increased since 1993 in a April.
The development in demArbeitsmarkt was worse in North Rhine-Westphalia imBundestrend. Nationwide, the number of unemployed in Aprilum 1000 from the previous month to 3.585 million.
The CEO of the Federal Labour Agency, Frank-Juergen Weise said that the recession of the German economy are sichzunehmend on the labor market. "Unemployment has fallen füreinen April unusually weak. However, especially the heavy use of short-time employment and total labor damitden stabilized and prevented worse," said fashion.