Tuesday, April 20, 2010

These three very Fortuna has it in for

Dusseldorf --
Four times against Union Berlin 0-1 in series, not once was Fortuna in these comparisons, the worst team. These nasty kicks, nasty allegations and violent provocations came - it's clear that powerful when mutated to the top game Movers duel today steam in the booth is.
"I give nothing to statistics, we can also play football," coach Norbert Meier is hot. Today is the (Berlin) Bear shot!
These three very Fortuna has it in for!
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1. Younga-Mouhani the storyteller:
If he has something to do with Fortuna, is not much trouble: Macchambes Younga-Mouhani. Eleven years earlier, he flew out to Fortuna, the former coach Uli Maslo sorted him because of persistent negative performance aus.Im April then the infamous return of former striker, who was transformed into Berlin for the "Six". Younga claimed after the game, Fortune's Olivier Caillas had racially insulted him. An outrageous accusation, according to a court decision which he now no longer speak darf.Zumal Younga in the subsequent negotiation when DFBals storyteller was outed. "The referee was standing two meters next to it and has heard nothing. As a witness was then presented Sahin. Which must indeed have such ears, "recalled manager Werner Wolf yesterday smugly. Video recordings documented at that time that when the said Sahin scene a good 50 feet away stood. Embarrassing is hardly ...
2. Sahin, the eternal provocateur:
As Fortune went to the team bus after the first leg of the stadium, waving Kenan Sahin afterward gleefully. The eternal provocateur had once again his great Auftritt.Bei Fortuna, he was sacked last year for disciplinary reasons, moved to Berlin. On 2 Match against Fortuna, he met then with a deflected winner for the arc. Before the reunion sounds Sahin: "They will also lose for the fifth time!" Kenan Sahin
3. Dogan, the ax of Köpenick:
I am glad that I had not then looked at me on TV. That must have looked bad, "recalls Marco Christ on one of the meanest fouls of the season. Hüzeyfe the Dogan Senst playmaker in the first leg to brutally at the midline, has since become know as the "ax of Köpenick" known - and not even looking for this yellow. Christ ( "I'll give it anyway before the game's hand") had to contrast with Innenbandanriss weeks pause.