Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Two to New hope

Wolfsburg / Cologne - The FC-bankruptcy in Wolfsburg. Unnecessary as a goiter. But two new additions to coach Christoph Daum (54) hope for the future: Pedro Geromel (22) and Sergiu Radu (31)!
Unbelievable, how confident central defender Geromel acted on his Bundesliga debut - and the brittle through the desolate Wome Viererkette always held together. With keen eyes and heart of the Samba star with an Italian passport FC fans and bosses alike. "A sensational debut!" Found thumb.
Michael Meier (58) said: "The boy has applied for a regular place in Italy's national team."
Geromel itself is the type of person who, with much praise can not begin. "I do not like talking about myself," he grumbled yesterday only that "we have lost because I can not have been so great."
Of course, after all. Sergiu Radu and colleague as well. Impressive as the Wolfsburg marched against his former club on loan! "I was doubly motivated," said the marathon Striker, "I really wanted to win and am doubly wrong reason."
Their efforts were rewarded with a creamy edge he put Mittelstürmer Milivoje Novakovic (29) leadership to be exemplary. Then he toiled tirelessly until his erschöpfungsbedingten replacement, even if the own goal did not fall.
But how could it be? Thomas Broich on the left and right on Miso Brecko never once came by on their sides, in the center midfield Roda Antar appeared tired after the superstar Petit (thumb: "He still needs some time") altogether and disappoint everyone.
"It does not matter. Together we lose, we win together. Then we'll just get the three points against Frankfurt, "said Radu combative. On Sunday, the Romanian placed in the family only once your feet up. Earned rest after a good performance.