Sunday, June 13, 2010

Brazenly lied and brought cold?

Brazenly lied and brought cold? Already clear that the dome show "Farmer Wants a Wife" as something staged and certainly not every kiss is real. But just when Kerstin and winemaker Tobias?
The two turtelten still in the last episode like crazy. Tobias confessed his love for his chosen ones, in their thought the woman of his life to have found. And Kerstin seemed very much in love. Seemed. But now the shock: The 33-year-old should be already taken! All the tenderness, all the feelings just hypocritical or what?
In the local weekly "forum" grins us now, "Kerstin from Freising contrary. And the looks Tobias' great love amazingly similar. Beside her in the picture a handsome young man your friend. The article states that the two had met each other on the Internet, are happily in love and wanted to - please take notice - bride and groom of the year 2010.
Uff, that's really strong stuff! As do now of course on all sorts of questions: Is a nasty Kerstin Heiratsschwindlerin? What they object to their appearance on "Farmer Wants a Wife" and what probably says her future on the Rumgefummel with Tobias on camera?
Or in reality is quite different from anything? EXPRESS.DE now reached a reader mail with the info that Tobias himself is another. It is alleged that the grower had fallen on the Scheunenfest in a hotel employees. And he obviously wants to get married soon! Their love is so just a staged show? Like Kerstin and Tobias to one another remains unclear ...

Monday, June 7, 2010

Shock! Rob Friend threatens the season-Off

Mönchengladbach - Borussia shock to the basement before the summit at KSC: Canada Clippers Rob Friend had an operation on Thursday at the heel and falls at least for three or four weeks.
Depending on the healing process threatens the most dangerous scorers with seven goals Gladbacher perhaps even the season-Off. For weeks the 28-year-old had problems with a painful bruise on the left heel, which required time and again training breaks. Because the infected wounds now decided Borussia medical department on Thursday for a procedure in which a bursa was removed at the heel.
In the middle of the decisive phase of the relegation fight is Rob's a real failure bad news for Borussia. First, her attacking game to the 1.95-meter giant is cut, on the other hand she is occupied in the storm center thin. Friend is the only replacement is ready Roberto Colautti. The Israeli league is its capability but so far not disclosed. Bundesliga after 14 missions - including four from the start - when it is still zero.
The fact that he can shoot, he showed at the recent test against Kick Almelo (3-1), in which Roberto laced a double. "Every striker is hungry for goals. The same for me, "he says. "If the coach puts me, I will do my best to replace Rob. When I play, I want to take my chance and help the team. "

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Munitions factory is on fire

Ulyanovsk -
Dramatic scenes take place in the Russian Volga city of Ulyanovsk. In an ammunition depot on Friday at least two soldiers have been killed. About 20 people suffered injuries. About 20Menschen suffered burns or were wounded by flying splinters. The authorities were also in the afternoon etwa3000 residents from the immediate vicinity evacuated.
First, 40 workers were missing. Meanwhile, they should have been found alive by rescue workers from a shelter. The spokesman said the regional administration, Sergei Davydov, on the evening, according to the Interfax news agency. The governor Sergei Morozov had previously feared that there would be no more hope for those missing.
It is unclear whether more people are missing. A spokesman for the rescuers said it could not be ruled out, the workers are still in the factory. How many is unclear.
Meanwhile, continue to blaze, witnesses said flames towering above the depot. Blessing in disguise. The depot is on an open field. At the military base of the Russian navy could be heard for hours heavy explosions. The exact cause of the fire was not immediately clear. The administration spoke out of an accident and signed a stop.
In the depot, but would not use chemical weapons stored, authorities said a spokesman. The accident site was cordoned off to seven miles away. The state presented the first regional one. At times, 15 fire trucks and 68 units with heavy equipment and more than 200 employees of the rescue workers were on site. The commander of the navy, Admiral Vladimir Vysotsky was Orterwartet on the evening before. Kremlin leader Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin could be continuously informed about the rescue work.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

ADAC: four seats deficient

The ADAC tested together with the Stiftung Warentest Car Seats. Four times it had the testers rated "poor" award.
A model (alpine daisy) fell by a side crash, three others offered a head-on crash is not enough security.
Here either broke down or the seat belt from the child seat ripped and threw a dummy from the vehicle. Danger for small occupants!
In the test, 22 seats were for the weight classes from nine to 36 pounds on the bench. Besides the four defective seats ten models cut as "good", seven "satisfactory", with a "sufficient" off.
The ruling "very well received" none of the seats. In the frontal crash put the ADAC to stricter standards than required by the minimum legal requirements.
With a speed of 64 km / h, it was based on real accident loads. Even Side is not for the approval of seats required. The ADAC conducted the test with yet, because children are especially vulnerable in side impacts.
 Were seats with Isofix (an attachment, which is anchored in the vehicle) in earlier tests particularly safe, now appeared: Isofix is not automatically good. The construction of the seat has to fit it. Thus went the IWH babymax despite Isofix with "poor" out of the race.
In the best infant carriers of the test (Römer Baby Safe Plus and Cybex Aton) the children to travel rearward facing. So their cervical spine is better protected. Experts recommend the rearward-facing seat for children up to four years.
In older children is important that the seat has backrest, headrest and side protection. Belt and booster seat are not enough in an accident. Whether the child seat forward or back will play for the safety of no importance.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Felix Magath: No coal no shell!

Gelsenkirchen, Germany - Felix Magath is to make the FC Schalke 04 at last to the Master. But the dimensions of Schalke financial crisis make it almost impossible - the club is looking for new millions, not to fall into financial difficulties.
Before the match in Cologne (Sunday, 17.30 clock in the live ticker) Felix Magath therefore speaks in plain language EXPRESS. He states: "If the financial situation is not improved at Schalke, is a championship no problem!"
Schalke Why is it the most difficult and yet rewarding task, reveals the Schalke boss in the interview - click here>

Friday, May 14, 2010

3.6 million unemployed

Düsseldorf - No good news from the labor market: In North Rhine-Westphalia the number derArbeitslosen 15.000gestiegen in April compared with March to close.
A total of 821 500 unemployed were registered, said dieRegionaldirektion NRW with the Federal Employment Agency.
Comparedto In April last year, there were 40 000 unemployed longer. DieArbeitslosenquote is 9.2 percent. Thus the Arbeitslosigkeiterstmals has increased since 1993 in a April.
The development in demArbeitsmarkt was worse in North Rhine-Westphalia imBundestrend. Nationwide, the number of unemployed in Aprilum 1000 from the previous month to 3.585 million.
The CEO of the Federal Labour Agency, Frank-Juergen Weise said that the recession of the German economy are sichzunehmend on the labor market. "Unemployment has fallen füreinen April unusually weak. However, especially the heavy use of short-time employment and total labor damitden stabilized and prevented worse," said fashion.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Stielike has coaching positions at

Stuttgart / Hanover - Ulli Stielike is head over heels dieElfenbeinküste leave in Hanover seinesSohnes and fears for the life of Michael.
The 23-year-old, who already suffer from longer under einerLungenerkrankung, lies in the intensive care derMedizinischen university in artificial coma.
"His condition is zwarstabil, but very critical," said the helpless father on Tuesday.
In the evening the "Bild" reported newspaper, the 53-year-old had opted dieElfenbeinküste and would not attend the African Cup. "I will renounce dieTeilnahme. This decision is like the afternoon," said Stielike.
Together with seinerFrau Doris, with whom he has not made the adult children Christian undDaniela, Stielike is now in Hanover. Michael schonmehrere waiting weeks for a donor organ for a lung transplant.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Family castle is dedicated

Cologne - The new home beside the children's hospital on the Amsterdam street is finished!
On Thursday, the "castle" officially opened for parents of sick children, at 15.30 clock.
Where: Federal Family Minister Ursula von der Leyen and Euro-politician Dr. Silvana Koch-Mehrin as a board member of McDonald's Children's Aid Foundation.
 The plan is the performance of a play entitled "My castle is my home" - played by the ensemble of the musical Spamalot. Kai plum leads through the program, Monsignor John Bastgen will bless the house.
And then (around 17.30 clock), the new home of the Ronald McDonald Foundation (14 apartments spread over nearly 1,000 square meters) may finally be stormed.
The self catering accommodation in the six-story "temporary home", including a bridge to the Children's Hospital is expected to cost around 15 euros a day, which are covered by health insurance. Annually, it is now about 350 families can live.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Here Mondy splashing in Mallorca

Andratx - The free weekend for the FC-professionals. Keeper Faryd Mondragon took it as coach Christoph Daum on the Germans' favorite holiday island to Mallorca.
The Colombian, whose contract is renewed automatically after the game in Cottbus, has enjoyed despite the rain to stay in the luxury hotel pampering.
The Royal Golf Resort & Spa Camp de Mar from FC partner Dorint it did admirably well to live anyway. Two and a half years old with two sons, Luca () and Paolo (half) and his beautiful wife Adriana went under the goalkeeper in the quaint indoor pool, enjoying the rich healthy breakfast and let it all hang out, have time to prepare mentally for the derby. "That's for us and our fans a very important game," says Mondragon, who knows the sting of the deep-seated reverse against Moenchengladbach in the trailers.
On Monday, the FC-pros back in Cologne a wobble, at 18 clock, there is the first practice of the week on Geißbockheim. The unit will take place after FC data in camera.
Read also: rest not apply - Award-doping for Daum's Force>

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

These three very Fortuna has it in for

Dusseldorf --
Four times against Union Berlin 0-1 in series, not once was Fortuna in these comparisons, the worst team. These nasty kicks, nasty allegations and violent provocations came - it's clear that powerful when mutated to the top game Movers duel today steam in the booth is.
"I give nothing to statistics, we can also play football," coach Norbert Meier is hot. Today is the (Berlin) Bear shot!
These three very Fortuna has it in for!
Next »
1. Younga-Mouhani the storyteller:
If he has something to do with Fortuna, is not much trouble: Macchambes Younga-Mouhani. Eleven years earlier, he flew out to Fortuna, the former coach Uli Maslo sorted him because of persistent negative performance aus.Im April then the infamous return of former striker, who was transformed into Berlin for the "Six". Younga claimed after the game, Fortune's Olivier Caillas had racially insulted him. An outrageous accusation, according to a court decision which he now no longer speak darf.Zumal Younga in the subsequent negotiation when DFBals storyteller was outed. "The referee was standing two meters next to it and has heard nothing. As a witness was then presented Sahin. Which must indeed have such ears, "recalled manager Werner Wolf yesterday smugly. Video recordings documented at that time that when the said Sahin scene a good 50 feet away stood. Embarrassing is hardly ...
2. Sahin, the eternal provocateur:
As Fortune went to the team bus after the first leg of the stadium, waving Kenan Sahin afterward gleefully. The eternal provocateur had once again his great Auftritt.Bei Fortuna, he was sacked last year for disciplinary reasons, moved to Berlin. On 2 Match against Fortuna, he met then with a deflected winner for the arc. Before the reunion sounds Sahin: "They will also lose for the fifth time!" Kenan Sahin
3. Dogan, the ax of Köpenick:
I am glad that I had not then looked at me on TV. That must have looked bad, "recalls Marco Christ on one of the meanest fouls of the season. Hüzeyfe the Dogan Senst playmaker in the first leg to brutally at the midline, has since become know as the "ax of Köpenick" known - and not even looking for this yellow. Christ ( "I'll give it anyway before the game's hand") had to contrast with Innenbandanriss weeks pause.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Two to New hope

Wolfsburg / Cologne - The FC-bankruptcy in Wolfsburg. Unnecessary as a goiter. But two new additions to coach Christoph Daum (54) hope for the future: Pedro Geromel (22) and Sergiu Radu (31)!
Unbelievable, how confident central defender Geromel acted on his Bundesliga debut - and the brittle through the desolate Wome Viererkette always held together. With keen eyes and heart of the Samba star with an Italian passport FC fans and bosses alike. "A sensational debut!" Found thumb.
Michael Meier (58) said: "The boy has applied for a regular place in Italy's national team."
Geromel itself is the type of person who, with much praise can not begin. "I do not like talking about myself," he grumbled yesterday only that "we have lost because I can not have been so great."
Of course, after all. Sergiu Radu and colleague as well. Impressive as the Wolfsburg marched against his former club on loan! "I was doubly motivated," said the marathon Striker, "I really wanted to win and am doubly wrong reason."
Their efforts were rewarded with a creamy edge he put Mittelstürmer Milivoje Novakovic (29) leadership to be exemplary. Then he toiled tirelessly until his erschöpfungsbedingten replacement, even if the own goal did not fall.
But how could it be? Thomas Broich on the left and right on Miso Brecko never once came by on their sides, in the center midfield Roda Antar appeared tired after the superstar Petit (thumb: "He still needs some time") altogether and disappoint everyone.
"It does not matter. Together we lose, we win together. Then we'll just get the three points against Frankfurt, "said Radu combative. On Sunday, the Romanian placed in the family only once your feet up. Earned rest after a good performance.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Captain Nova, called for the piglet debate

Cologne - On Tuesday evening in Cologne's Old Town: One by one they march on.
FC captain Milivoje Novakovic. Keeper Faryd Mondragon. Petit, Pedro Geromel, Youssef Mohamad. And the other professionals of the FC.
There was roast suckling pig and cevapcici. Vegetables and rice. Mineral water and fruit juices. And clear words. Everything came to the table.
Because the reason for the gluttony was not a joyous - Nova and Co. have slipped after a great first season in the last few weeks in a threatening crisis.
Even after the recent bankruptcies haunted the specter above the relegation Geißbockheim. Since the alarm bells will ring at the captain.
Who had discussed Sunday with coach Christoph Daum. Yesterday he asked with the knowledge of the coaching staff for the great debate.
 18:39, at the Slovenian seemed to be the first on the arranged meeting point, to 19 clock arrive by and by my colleagues, then everything should come to the table.
"We again have to be a unit," asks Marvin Matip. Miso Brecko: "Our trump card is our tactical discipline. In the Bundesliga there are no easy opponents. We need to be highly concentrated, one must be to help the other. "
Coach Christoph Daum had his displeasure yesterday afternoon again made air. Back from Kosovo, where he had given a lecture, including the German KFOR soldiers stopped, he was with the idea at the next opponent:
"Without duels will not do. If we go in to these duels as against Gladbach, then we have no chance in Cottbus. This is pure survival. "
Calls for unity of thumb, so he advocated the purifying storm on the Haymarket: "We must now concentrate all their forces."

Friday, April 2, 2010

Stunksitzung against Lewis Hamilton

Monza - The revenge race between Ferrari and McLaren-Mercedes at Monza, now it gets dirty! Ferrari's Brazilian Felipe Massa (27) makes a stink against championship rival Lewis Hamilton (23).
"Lewis has made a mistake, and the rules stipulate that he must be punished for it," Schumi-scatters the salt in the wound of an apprentice at Spa for the win cheated Silver Arrow Stars.
Massa takes Hamilton is a gambler! "Lewis had no patience," Massa reprimands. "He has indeed vorbeigelassen Kimi (Raikkonen / editor's note), but jump back into the slipstream and overtook. That was a nice maneuver, but he has just shortened before the chicane. "
An opinion that the join Toyota's Italian Jarno Trulli for now, other drivers. Nick Heidfeld (BMW) is: "The punishment is harsh. But Lewis has gives it an advantage. "
Fernando Alonso (Renault) is even clearer: "I totally agree with the decision of the Commissioners. Without the shortcut on the short straight he would have never had the chance to overtake Kimi. "
Through the "inherited" Victory is Massa just two points behind Hamilton - and sniffs at his first title. "I am so close as before," he exults and extra airs Ferraristi here in Monza for the World Cup to be secret!
"I have a lucky underpants," he says with a grin. "I use at every race on Saturday and Sunday the same." Phew, that must stink, but his Ferrari mechanics.
Massa, however, has even more quirks. "I am always standing with his right foot," he says, for example.
Pole Robert Kubica BMW (23) sets are already established before the end of season five races, "Massa will be world champion." Hamilton wants to avoid, however, sets a new fragrance brand from Ferrari's world champion Raikkonen: "I overtook him at Spa, because I Eggs have thicker. "

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Fieser swindlers lures teacher in House of Horror

Wellington - New Zealand Miese mesh of a swindler: A 36-year-old teacher from Leipzig, fell for his fraudulent number and spent a week in hell.
The two had met on the Internet, and it immediately sparked. The swindlers pretended to be a 33-year-old doctoral student from Leipzig, and seduced by the passionate poems.
 In the hope of finally meeting her prince charming face to face, she traveled to the other end of the world - from New Zealand.
But then the shock: My Prince Charming turned out to be 56-year-old Ekelpartie. The man took her passport and money and prevented them six days to get away from him, reported the 36-year-old newspaper, "Otago Daily Times.
Disgusting: The house was full of rubbish. Cats and chickens everywhere, this horrible stench. Only last Saturday, the police, they could free from the horror house.
However: Against the nasty imposter could not immediately be attacked. "During their movement was restricted to a certain degree, there are situations in which they would have had the opportunity to go," said a police spokesman.
To physical violence or sexual assault, it was clearly not come.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Is no school?

Dusseldorf - Dusseldorf on Tuesday for proposing Pänz and teachers, the moment of truth. Are the schools because the swine flu really closed longer?
For weeks, talk to the government in terms of swine flu hot heads. According to Health Minister Karl Josef Laumann (CDU), the government plans to seek the opinion of an independent commission of experts.
"The eight-member Commission of virologists and experts from the public health sector will also include in their decision, of course, the experience of other provinces," said Laumann.
To 13 clock could be announced the decision. NRW for approximately 2.8 million students and 192,000 teachers says erstmal so wait and see. "I do not imagine me what it means for us when the summer actually go into overtime," said Elizabeth St. John Bauer, director of the Community School Lennéstraße.
"Finally, it would then send a lot of organizational work to the school principals. The induction training of first graders would be moved to the rear. One would have to consider whether the provision also applies to schools with full day care. From the stress of working parents on the whole would presumably be silent, "said John Bauer.
Gabriela Podolski, mother of a nine year old daughter, has similar concerns: "Of course, students should be exposed to any unnecessary risk of infection. Nevertheless, the children should not miss classes unnecessarily substance they have to catch up again later with difficulty. "
Regardless of how the experts decide today, the Minister of Health calls on schools to ensure sufficient hygiene items to the school toilets to make: "Since the disease is highly contagious, students should wash their hands as often as possible."
Appropriate precautions and information material will also be passed today, Düsseldorf schools. City spokesman Volker Paulert compared EXPRESS: "Our experts at the Health Department will be adequately inform educators of all major actions."

Monday, March 15, 2010

Star architect Libeskind is to build Kö-Bogen

Dusseldorf - Now it is official! Daniel Libeskind will deliver an architectural business card in the heart of the city. The New York star architect to build the Kö-Bogen.
The 62-year-old American had in the summer of 2008 already looked in person at the Jan Wellem place was immediately taken with the idea to cultivate, the space at the northern end of Royal Avenue: "This is the place for world architecture is!"
On Mon-Tue therefore, as the offer period had expired under the award, announced Mayor Dirk Elbers, "I am pleased that will be realized with Daniel Libeskind, an architect with world rankings in this project. The Kö-Bogen is now a further highlight in the heart of Dusseldorf. With his work he is a great success achieved. I am convinced that its architecture will go a lot of positive momentum for the city. "
One of the main works of native Poland with an American passport include the Jewish Museum in Berlin, the Felix Nussbaum Haus in Osnabrück, the Imperial War Museum in Manchester, the Denver Art Museum and the plans for the Freedom Tower at the World Trade Center Center in New York.
Of the remaining two candidates finally had the project development company in Düsseldorf "The developer brought" the offer, which will now be realized. The city council is in a meeting on 5 February, a corresponding proposal for resolution to be submitted.
Back in March, the city with the clearing of the construction site will launch more channels and move to begin soon with the implementation of the plans.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Star-hype in Cologne

Cologne - The one has ever been nominated five times for an Oscar and a Golden Globe. The other reached with porn movies and "I'll show that I'm wearing no pants' performances Star status.
Kate Winslet (32, known to keep from "Titanic") versus Skandalmillionärin Paris Hilton (26) - Cologne this weekend, both on their toes.
Although Paris Bets on Saturday night in Thomas Gottschalk's "... is that?" Loaded "in Erfurt, she still trots quickly a few costly hours through Cologne (before it rises in the private jet to the east). Her latest boyfriend Benji Madden (29, vegetarian) in the evening rocking with his band "Good Charlotte" tried at the Palladium, Paris, hang the whole trip on him.
On Saturday she is after a stopover in Istanbul (with mass inertia of the airport village) in D'. There Benji picked them up. He was specially flown from Munich to Dusseldorf, in the VIP area to meet his girlfriend. Then on the next plane to Saarbruecken - Boy you played here on Saturday.
 Much less Heckmeck wants Kate Winslet, however. The Hollywood star (current rotation in Cologne "The Reader") has zero special requirements which will fly on Sunday by line - a generous senior suite at the InterContinental offers her already ...

Monday, March 1, 2010

"We make our lives difficult,"

Faryd Mondragon was what was keeping. But twice he was powerless. Cologne's cult-Keeper turned to bust, the cup in Augsburg for the interview.
He attacked referee Thorsten Kinhöfer: "He was arrogant." And warned: "These early goals may not happen again. We make life difficult for ourselves. "
The interview with the FC's.
The full interview with Mondragon
Next »
Faryd Mondragon, your big dream of Berlin has burst ...
    Yes, it hurts. We really wanted the finals, maybe even more than the trophy in international business. Since it is quite bitter, rauszufliegen against a second division.
What was it?
    First time to us. We have now repeatedly conceded caught early, because we're just distracted. We make life incredibly difficult. And then there was the referee.
What do you say about the sending off?
    Adil Chihis red card was a disgrace. That was more than yellow. And Podolski is provoked by the referee. Everyone makes mistakes, but Kinhöfer was arrogant.
Was spielentscheidend?
    With ten men it was naturally difficult. But when Poldi, we thought: We're turning it to ten men. When the then still had to down, it was over.
What needs to happen now?
    As hard as it is us: We have to check this game as soon as possible and concentrate on Sunday. Schalke is a top team with perhaps the best coaches in the league. This is a very difficult task today must be back in the foreground.
And the Berlin-dream is over for good?
    No, I have not given up yet. Next season I've still got a chance. Since we have to give everything, maybe it works then yes.

Monday, February 22, 2010

The North will umgebuddelt

thick yoga mat review

Dusseldorf - The "U-Dax" get more work: While the vast construction site Wehrhahn line still makes for years of endless traffic jams, decided the local politicians on Wednesday had the next line - around the fairground and the airport.
Actually, even be led by two lines: The U 80 is through a tunnel under the North Park to the south entrance of the fair and then along the Rhine at this station, "Arena / Messe Nord continued. And the U 81 bends towards the airport, this will open up the Airport City and the Railway Station.
It had jointly applied for the CDU and the FDP - and then they decided yesterday. There were dissenting from the opposition, on the other building blocks of the northern light rail lines will not surrender: The extensions of the U 81 on the Rhine to the Handweiser and up to Ratingen.
On the "Fair Bypass" U 80 however, the SPD and the Greens would rather do without: "For that to provide 40 million euros, which is gross negligence," complained SPD Alderman Martin Volkenrath. "Common sense says, however: If U want to come here 81, then it must also traverse the Rhine, with connections to the fair entrance and continue south after Ratingen."
In principle, rejects Andreas Hartnigk (CDU), the compounds towards Handweiser and Ratingen does not, however: "It is enough that these plans are in local transport plan, queue so long - now we must do what is achievable now."
What is "soon" means that the CDU and FDP have been stipulated: "The administration should take all steps necessary to enable the realization of the U 80 from 2010." As a reminder, the Wehrhahn line will be built by 2014 - would thus parallel Next major construction sites in the city put up ...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Eugen Hach awakes from coma

Saarbruecken - New hope for Eugen Hach (47)! The sports director of third division Elversberg, who had suffered in Wednesday night to a stroke (EXPRESS reported), is awakened from his artificial coma!
"It is true that doctors have woken him up on Saturday night. It should go Eugen even slightly better. He can move his hand already. But whether he needs to be operated on again, remains to be seen now, "announced Hach friend and protege in Elversberg, player Marcus Feinbier (38), with the EXPRESS.
In the intensive care unit of Saarbruecken in Winterberg-Klinikum Aachen, the former coach is currently closed off. Only his wife Beatrix and their two children waiting in his hospital bed. The information about his condition are correspondingly sparse. "No one can touch him. But that's understandable, "says Feinbier who wants to go visit in the coming days Hach. "Now he just needs time alone. This is the most important thing. "

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Suspected thief shot

Mönchengladbach - Six auto burglaries reported to police on Thursday Rheydter from the city center. The perpetrator should have been snapped by a camera.
In all cases, procured, or of the unknown perpetrators by the hammering of a side window access to the vehicle.
They stole mobile navigation devices, cash cards, mobile phones, portable consumer electronics and cash.
Until now, crime scenes are well-known canal Mühlenstraße, Orphanage Road, Hugo-Preuss Road and Brucknerallee. Investigators suspect because of the narrow range Tatzusammenhang one, especially since it was observed at two crime scenes a fugitive suspected of cyclists by witnesses.
The killer apparently tried to withdraw with a stolen debit card cash. In this experiment, he was photographed by a surveillance cameras. The CID takes allegations against this man among 02161-290.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Jung national Gonzalo Castro

Leverkusen - As the German-Spanish, the door to the Italians Caldo e Freddo pushes open, there is a loud Hello. Gonzalo Castro, 20-year-old home-grown at Bayer, here is part of the regular customers. From antipasti plate and latte macchiato EXPRESS spoke with the national team, who despite his young age has already 73 Bundesliga games on the account, before the UEFA Cup match on Thursday at Spartak Moscow.
Gonzalo Castro, three years ago, you still came with the bike for training, then drove golf - now it is an Audi TT. Reflects the way a little bit against your development? One stop growing gradually in this professional business. That is also in the cabin so. I'm not a young player anymore, but had established myself.
This can be seen also on the account ... Sunny. It's great if you can afford the things of which they dreamed as a teenager. A cool car. Clothes. Now I bought myself with my friend a small bungalow, right on the BayArena.
A real Leverkusener.Ich I grew up here. I have now extended for four and a half years. But I will not stay forever. I want to do other things too, other countries. England, Spain. But now only one time only Bayer. We now have a great force together. We are very young. We are very hungry. We want success.
But it's too introspective not at Bayer? It is our players are right, that here there is this hype, as in Dortmund, Hamburg and Cologne. But the pressure that we make our own already and we can deal with it. Last year there were a few games where the coach was in danger - we won.
You accuses you, you often played to ripped off. Reiner Calmund called it, controlled cheese '. I do not agree. I have a good eye, recognize situations, often in advance. It is difficult to make as to what rights defenders. And play hell-bent on attacking - that's hara-kiri.
Private one can see you more often with Arturo Vidal. They act totally different ... Well, Arturo is more the extrovert type. In Chile, he is a superstar. I like it a bit quieter. But if we go out together, we have fun. And that's the most important thing ...